Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Action Sketch – The Olympic Torch Bearer

This post has been moved to my new blog. Please click the link to read it.


  1. You've got the whole "Futurist" thing going on with the legs there; it really appears to be moving. And now you've got the moment of experience to keep forever. Love it!

  2. Thanks, Rachel. It's interesting what happens when you don't have time to think. This is hardly a great drawing, but it is a very honest one, in a way.

  3. rather than getting constrained by smart phones and cameras , do we even try to feel the real thing? i wonder.
    that was one nice post :)

  4. Thanks, Goku. We do seem to have difficulty doing anything these days without a gadget or app to help us out.

  5. Absolutely right Thomas. I loved last night but felt sorry that even the athletes themselves seemed to spend more time looking through a viewfinder than with the naked eye, and that distances you from experience I think.

  6. Thanks, Marcus. It was surprising to see so many cameras in the athlete's hands.

    And I couldn't help thinking of you and J when the dark satanic mills sprang up:)

  7. Heya¡­my very first comment on your site. ,I have been reading your blog for a while and thought I would completely pop in and drop a friendly note. . It is great stuff indeed. I also wanted to ask..is there a way to subscribe to your site via email?

    Leather Note Jotter

  8. Hi, Jasmine.

    Thanks for that.

    This is my old blog, so please don't use the e-mail subscription widget in the side bar. My new blog can be reached through the link in the profile. However, my new blog is also under construction so there won't be an e-mail subscription there yet. Soon though...


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